Press Release

Safeheron, a digital asset self-custodian, launches their Web3 Product Suite

The most recent FTX event has triggered a chain reaction in the market, and the aftermath continues to remind the market that centralized custody... The Art Of Financial Instrument on Blockchain, which is a Crowd marketing platform with Fund flow programs based on blockchain technology, aims to connect global members to the digital fund...

Analysis of Pink Hare’s one-stop token issuance platform: it may reshape the DEFI ecological pattern

DEFI’s charm is that it always gives unexpected things. DEFI is continuously breaking ground. From the observation of Blue Fox Notes, DEFI started as...

Huizhou Zhonghai Jinchen GardenWon the iF DESIGN AWARD 2022

The iF Design Award, founded in 1953, is organized annually by the Industrial Design Forum iF Industrie Forum Design, Germany’s oldest industrial design organization....

Leading Financial Analysts Shape Minsheng Securities’ Core Business Competencies

Reporter:QIN Shubai   IPO is the trump business of Minsheng Securities Investment Bank, which has obvious advantages in professionalism and service quality. Over the years, Minsheng...


