Global News

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CrowdStrike backlash over $10 apology voucher for IT chaos

.CrowdStrike is facing fresh backlash after giving staff and firms they work with a $10 UberEats voucher to say sorry for a global IT...

Historic flood of cash pours into Harris campaign and allied groups

Weeks of pent-up Democratic panic gave way to a historic flood of campaign cash for likely presidential nominee Vice President Harris this week, as...

GAGA: The Next PePe-Level MeMe Project Captivating the World

During the Israel-Palestine conflict and widespread global anti-war protests, an innovative Web3 project called GAGA has burst onto the scene. This trailblazing initiative, launched by...

Car shuttle trains are Europe’s little-known eco-friendly travel option

A train like this can take passengers from Vienna to the Croatian coast in 14 hours,...


CharacterX Evolution: Key Changes and Path Forward

Since first version was released in September 2023, CharacterX...

Always Ready to Meet Challenges: Investment Strategies and Practices in the New Energy Field

(Author: Du Su) In the global new energy investment Field, many...

CrowdStrike backlash over $10 apology voucher for IT chaos

.CrowdStrike is facing fresh backlash after giving staff and...