Political finance with integrity: Beyond legal reform


The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) would like to invite those interested, on the occasion of IDEA’s Secretary General Kevin Casas-Zamora visit, to a discussion on:


Political Finance with Integrity: Beyond Legal Reform 


Mongolia recently updated its political finance legislation to improve disclosure of political party funding. The event will present Mongolia’s journey towards more transparent and accountable political financing as well as glance on what lies ahead.


Level-Up: Political finance reform in Mongolia


10.00-10.15:  Welcoming remarks

Ms. Erdenejargal Perenlei, Executive Director of Open Society Forum

Ms. Axelle Nicaise, Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to Mongolia

10.15-10.40:  Political finance reform in Mongolia (before and now)

Mr. Adhy Aman, Senior Programme Manager of International IDEA, Asia and the Pacific Regional Programme

Ms. Enkhtsetseg Dagva, Programme Manager of Open Society Forum

10.40-11.00:  Digital reporting of election campaign financing

Mr. Sambuunyam Yadam, Head of Integrated Audit Management and

Coordination Department, State Audit Office

11.00-11.20:  Q&A Session

11.20-11.30:  Tea break


Looking beyond legal reforms


11.30-11.50:  Keynote Speech

Dr. Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary General of the International Institute for Democracy and     Electoral Assistance

11.50-12.30:  Q&A Session


For more information, please contact: [email protected]

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