Former County GOP party chair says political rhetoric still needs to improve – Cache Valley Daily


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LOGAN — Utah Governor Spencer Cox, who is chair of the National Governor’s Association for the next year, recently launched an initiative called ‘Disagree Better”, trying to increase the use of more civility in political discourse.

On her monthly appearance on KVNU’s For the People program on Tuesday, former Cache County GOP party chair, Shellie Giddings, commented on how social media can quickly affect political rhetoric in a negative way.

I think it’s made people more emboldened as well, they will maybe grab on to one of these topics, and just run with it and not do their research, not find out what the truth is.  I just saw something on Facebook today, the comment was ’well, you got some plums from the lieutenant governor, so you are not a conservative.’ I was like, really?,” she said.

Giddings said that Lieutenant Deidre Henderson has consistently voted for conservative policies and someone disagreeing with her on one thing does not make her a RINO (Republican in Name Only).

She said young people, though, tend to make more intelligent choices through research, more than older ones.

“But we don’t get a lot of that from the younger generation either, do we. They’re really researching and wanting to figure out what’s going on politically.”

Giddings said everyone needs to be able to sit down with people they may not agree with 100 percent, and she said we usually don’t agree with people to that degree anyway.

She said it’s gotten to the point, though, if a legislator makes a vote that someone doesn’t like, they’ll work hard to remove them from office.

Giddings said that’s really just kind of silly.

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