Five Big Things: Tuesday, February 27


Big news tomorrow for mortgage holders, Sydney police face major criticism over an alleged double killing, and a look at a pricey new dating service.

1 Immigration officials ‘should’ve done more’ to minimise risk of exploitation

Leadership at Immigration New Zealand (INZ) failed to pay enough attention to staff concerns about migrant exploitation, a new review has found.

A focus on meeting processing timeframes and volumes overrode migrant exploitation risk considerations during the administration of the Accredited Employer Work Visa, according to the Public Service Commission.

Tens of thousands of people migrated to Aotearoa under the scheme. Read More

2 Government takes action to disestablish Māori Health Authority

Te Aka Whai Ora, the Māori Health Authority, will officially be gone by June as the Government introduces legislation to disestablish it. The short-lived agency was started by the previous Labour government. Read More

3 Taylor Swift’s dad investigated for Sydney assault

An alleged early morning assault involving the father of Taylor Swift at a Sydney ferry wharf is being investigated by police. The superstar’s father, Scott Swift, 71, is accused of assaulting a 51-year-old paparazzo. Read More

4 Major bank cuts 18-month mortgage rate ahead of tomorrow’s OCR decision

One of the big retail banks has reduced its 18-month mortgage rate to 6.89%, dropping 26 basis points from 7.15%. The shift comes ahead of tomorrow’s Official Cash Rate announcement from the Reserve Bank. Read More

5 Missing Sydney couple: Police ‘uninvited’ from Mardi Gras after cop arrest

New South Wales police have been asked not to march at Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade. The decision came in the wake of the alleged murders of Sydney couple Jesse Baird and Luke Davies by a serving officer. Read More


After five years on and off the dating apps, Auckland writer Bianca Zander views the launch of Compatico, Theresa Gattung’s new matchmaking service for the over-40s, with eyes wide open.

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They’ve fallen and they can’t get up.

A private lunar lander is expected to cease operations early — its mission cut short after landing sideways near the south pole of the moon.

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